KnowArch is an evolving practice in synergy with like-minded colleagues, consultants and more importantly enthusiastic clients, all striving to do projects in their milieu and context. Designing for residential, workplaces, resorts, institutions and master planning projects, the firm’s body of work is unified by a desire to:

Intervening Sustainably: A reductionist approach to design through optimal intervention of building on a site is the first step towards sustainability. Imparting forms in sync with nature and deploying sustainable technologies, sets the building in equilibrium with the context and climate.

Weaving Inside Outside: The transition from indoors to outdoors or vice versa, is expanded through designed continuum, enriching the experience of a permeable building that is open to natural light, breeze and views.

Vision beyond Programme: To transcend project requirements for larger concerns, intangible attributes and continuing relevance.

Aesthetic Practicality: The practical aspects are elevated from the mundane to a performing aesthetic, imparting identity and a narrative to a building.